Cost of change to technology

StratusVue looks internally for where the Construction Industry is going
Featuring: Samantha Leidy

Cost of change to technology.

The cost of adopting new technology can vary greatly depending on several factors such as the type of technology, the complexity of implementation, the size of the organization, and the resources available. Some common costs associated with adopting new technology include:

    • Initial purchase or subscription fees
    • Training and professional development for employees
    • Integration with existing systems
    • Technical support and maintenance
    • Downtime during the transition period

It’s important for organizations to carefully evaluate the costs and benefits of new technology before making a decision to adopt it. In some cases, the benefits such as increased efficiency and improved productivity can outweigh the costs in the long run.

Technology and organization of data.

The organization of data is critical for efficient and effective technology use. Good data organization enables quick and easy access to the information needed, reduces duplicates, improves data quality, and supports data analysis and decision-making. Some ways that technology can help with the organization of data include:

    • Database management systems (DBMS): These are computer programs that allow you to store, manage, and retrieve data in a structured way. Examples of DBMS include SQL databases and NoSQL databases.
    • Data warehousing: This is a technology that enables organizations to store large amounts of data in a centralized location for analysis and reporting. Data warehousing systems are optimized for data retrieval and can support complex queries and analysis.
    • Cloud storage: This is a technology that allows organizations to store data on remote servers and access it over the internet. Cloud storage can provide scalable and flexible data storage solutions and can reduce the need for physical storage infrastructure.
    • Data visualization tools: These are tools that help present data in a visual format, making it easier to understand and analyze. Examples of data visualization tools include charts, graphs, and dashboards.

Effective technology and data organization can lead to better data management and more informed decision-making, ultimately leading to improved efficiency and success for organizations.

Record keeping and collaboration with team members and software.

Record keeping and collaboration with team members can be improved with the use of appropriate software. There are several types of software that can support record keeping and collaboration, including:

    • Project management software: This type of software helps teams plan, track, and manage projects, tasks, and deadlines. It can also provide tools for team communication, document sharing, and record keeping.
    • Collaborative documents and spreadsheets: Tools like Google Docs and Microsoft Office 365 allow teams to work on documents and spreadsheets simultaneously in real-time, making it easy to track changes and collaborate on projects.
    • Customer relationship management (CRM) software: CRM software is designed to manage interactions with customers and can be used for record keeping, tracking sales, and managing customer information.
    • File management software: This type of software provides a centralized location for storing and organizing files, making it easier for team members to access the information they need.

By using software to support record keeping and collaboration, teams can improve efficiency, reduce errors, and increase transparency. However, it’s important to choose software that meets the specific needs of the team and organization and to provide adequate training and support to ensure successful implementation and use.

Custom Solutions with Business Intelligence and Real Time Metrics

Holly D’Onofrio, Span Construction & Engineering Inc.

Obstacle: Data in many locations within multiple platforms and solutions.

Solution: StratusVue’s custom solution with business intelligence and real time data metrics provided automation to project reporting.

Overview: With many applications and programs containing project data, it can become rather time consuming to collect all the data and put it in one report that is useful. Span Construction & Engineering, Inc. reached out to StratusVue for help with centralizing their data. StratusVue was able to provide a custom solution that not only met the needs it saved them money!  StratusVue delivered integrations to SmartSheets, their project data in the StratusVue Platform and their Sage Accounting information with project visualizations of presented in PowerBI.

Quote: “StratusVue’s’ custom solution integration Spans’ data in Smartsheets, is a game changer for us. It’s elegant and very user friendly, we can finally automate what usually takes days. I’m sure it can be implemented with many more clients who use both platforms, especially with a pack of dashboards and reports that go with it” – Holly D’Onofrio, Span Construction & Engineering Inc.

More Information: Request a Demo

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI) and where what is its origin?

StratusVue looks internally for where the Construction Industry is going
Featuring: Sarah Clukey

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI) and where is its origin?

Ada Lovelace is considered a pioneer in the field of computer programming, and her work on Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine in the 1800s laid the foundation for the development of modern computers and artificial intelligence (AI). She is credited with writing the world’s first computer program, a set of instructions for the engine to calculate Bernoulli numbers. Her notes on the engine also include what is recognized as the first published algorithm intended to be processed by a machine.

Lovelace’s work demonstrated the potential of computers to be used for more than just mathematical calculations, and her vision for the Analytical Engine as a general-purpose machine was ahead of its time. Her notes and letters revealed a deep understanding of the potential of the machine to be used for a wide range of scientific, mathematical, and other applications. She also believed that the machine would have a wide range of potential applications beyond just mathematics and that it could compose sophisticated music, compose graphics, and create new scientific and artistic forms.

Her work helped to establish the field of computer science, and her ideas about the potential of computers continue to influence the development of technology today. She is also celebrated as a trailblazer for women in technology and a role model for future generations of women in STEM fields.

In conclusion, Ada Lovelace’s contributions to the field of computer science and her vision for the potential of computers were groundbreaking and have had a lasting impact on the development of technology and the field of AI.

The Next Big Shift in Construction

Featuring:  Brian Anson

What is the next big shift in construction?

The next big shift in construction is expected to be towards more sustainable and efficient building practices, with a focus on reducing waste, minimizing the carbon footprint, and using technology to improve the design, planning, and execution processes. This shift may also involve an increased use of prefabrication, modular construction, and building information modeling (BIM) technology to increase efficiency and decrease costs. Additionally, there is a growing trend towards smart buildings and the integration of internet of things (IoT) technology to improve the overall functionality and sustainability of buildings.

So how are general contractors to accomplish that then?

General contractors can achieve the next big shift in construction by adopting the following strategies:

    1. Embracing technology: Implementing Building Information Modeling (BIM) software, using 3D printing, virtual and augmented reality for visualization, and using project management tools to streamline processes.
    2. Implementing sustainable practices: Making use of green materials, optimizing energy efficiency, and incorporating renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power.
    3. Prefabrication and modular construction: Building components in a controlled factory environment and transporting them to the site can help reduce waste and increase efficiency.
    4. Collaboration and communication: Encouraging collaboration between all project stakeholders, such as architects, engineers, and subcontractors, and using cloud-based tools to share information and streamline communication.
    5. Employee training and development: Investing in training and development programs to build a highly skilled workforce that is equipped to handle the challenges of the new construction landscape.

By adopting these strategies, general contractors can remain competitive and help drive the industry forward in a more sustainable and efficient direction.

What would be the most impactful?

The most impactful strategy for the next big shift in construction would likely be the integration of technology, specifically Building Information Modeling (BIM) and other digital tools, as it has the potential to transform the entire construction process from design to execution. BIM enables the creation of a digital twin of the building, allowing for better visualization, collaboration, and communication between stakeholders, leading to improved decision-making, reduced waste, and higher efficiency. The use of digital tools can also provide real-time data and insights, enabling more accurate forecasting and planning.

In addition, the adoption of sustainable building practices, such as using green materials and optimizing energy efficiency, can have a significant impact on reducing the carbon footprint of the construction industry and promoting more environmentally friendly and efficient buildings.

Overall, both the integration of technology and the adoption of sustainable building practices have the potential to bring significant benefits to the construction industry and have a lasting impact on the future of building and construction.

Which field within construction would it be most beneficial?

The integration of technology and the adoption of sustainable building practices can bring benefits to all areas of the construction field, but it may have the most impact in the following areas:

    1. Design and Planning: The use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology can improve the accuracy of design and planning, reducing errors and rework, and enabling virtual prototyping and visualization.
    2. Project Management: Digital tools such as project management software can provide real-time data and insights, helping to streamline processes and improve communication and collaboration between stakeholders.
    3. Construction: Prefabrication and modular construction can increase efficiency, reduce waste, and improve safety on the construction site.
    4. Operations and Maintenance: The use of Internet of Things (IoT) technology can help optimize building operations and maintenance, reducing energy consumption and costs, and improving overall functionality and sustainability.

Overall, the integration of technology and the adoption of sustainable building practices can bring benefits to all areas of the construction field and help drive the industry forward in a more efficient and sustainable direction.

The most straightforward explanation of zero-day in 10 seconds!

👉 The most straightforward explanation of zero-day in 10 seconds!

John Goecke talks with Indusface about complex security terms & relates them to real business problems in a matter of moments on the latest #SaaSTrana Show 🎙️.

He is the founder of StratusVue and discusses with Venkatesh (Venky) how everything changed for them after a #ransomware attack ⚠️ in 2018.

He also shares how the construction industry 🏗️ is a soft target for hackers as there is no regulatory oversight, unlike in banking and healthcare. And security is always an afterthought for business owners.

His practical learnings from unexpected ransomware attacks on his business are wise words of wisdom for anyone in SaaS! 💡

Watch the Full Interview

#indusface #podcast #zeroday #zerodayvulnerability #ransomwareattacks #hacking #saas #saassecurity #apisecurity #appsec #apptrana #constructiontechnology